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How to paint your Dog

How to paint your Dog

Painting dog

How to paint your dog 1-day workshop – Penrith

Throughout the day Sam will demonstrate every stage for you to follow along with so you can paint a portrait of your dog in a fun style.

The aim of the day is to complete the majority of your painting within the workshop day, you will then take your canvas home to finalise with the support of online video lessons and a closed Facebook group for extra tips and bonus lessons.

On the day we’ll spend some time simplifying a photograph of your dog into a cartoon style design, then you’ll get started on the stages of building up your painting. The stages involved are:

Composition and design


Shapes and blocking

Eyes and nose

Hair and shading

Additional details

The price of the workshop includes your lunch, materials so you can paint on the day. Then online video lesson and Facebook support group (accessible anytime) are there for you to continue your painting or start another!