Lindy Hop and Balboa in the Lakes

Lindy Hop and Balboa in the Lakes
Swingdance Cumbria, North Lakes School, Huntley Ave, CA11 8NU Penrith, Cumbria, Penrith, United Kingdom
Lindy Hop and Balboa in the Lakes
Visit the beautiful town of Penrith on the edge of the Lake District and improve your dancing with our friendly guest teachers Rob and Tina Shield.
This weekend is a chance to totally immerse yourself in 8 hours of classes and social dancing, or pick and mix your classes and socials with some time out to visit the area.
Saturday 19th Oct
10.30am 2 hour Improver/ Intermediate Lindy Hop Workshop
2pm 2 hour Intermediate/ Advanced Lindy Hop Workshop
7.30pm Party with LIVE BAND!
Sunday 20th Oct
10.30am 2 hour Improver Balboa Workshop
2pm 2 hour Intermediate Balboa Workshop
4-6pm Afternoon tea dance with CAKE!
Rob and Tina
Tina began her Lindy hop adventure in Seattle in 2002. The Seattle scene inspired her love of fast Lindy and vintage swing music. She dances for the sheer joy of connecting with the music and a partner and just wants to get everyone on the social dance floor as much as possible! Rob was dragged along to a free Lindy Hop taster at Leeds Uni back in 2005. Soon after he began teaching regularly and eventually turned it into a full-time job. Swing Dance Leeds keeps Rob very busy teaching every day of the week and performing at events.
Rob and Tina have been teaching and performing together for nearly a decade. In addition to teaching weekly classes in Leeds, they regularly teach at weekend events around the UK (and occasionally further afield). Their classes often focus on core technique, lead-follow connection, and social dancing skills. They strive to give dancers a deeper understanding of the dance beyond just learning moves to help them develop their own style and have better dances with any partner. The largest project they’ve undertaken recently is training up the next generation of Swing Dance Leeds instructors. Their daughter Talia is just barely two but already eager to take over the family business.
For more information about Rob and Tina you can visit the Swing Dance Leeds website: