Thanks & Hiving Weekend

Thanks & Hiving Weekend

Forthcoming Celebratory Event at Penrith Methodist Church, Penrith – 11th May 10am -4pm
The potential to spread joy offered by gardens and plants has inspired volunteers from Penrith Methodist Church to hold a celebratory day within the context of a ‘Thanks and Hiving Weekend’ at the Church including plant stall plus exhibitions and displays related to heritage and remembrance. Bring spare plants to share or collect some for your own garden. Themes such as Easter Story,’ ‘Sew to Grow,’ ‘Healing,’ ‘Remembrance,’ ‘Creation’ and the ‘Garden of Eden’ creates the background for displays on window ledges. ‘Bridging the Gap’ will illustrate how young and old can come together. During WW2, the hall at the Methodist Church was used for feeding the troops. To remember them and all those who lost their lives in the Great War, several ‘there but not there’ acrylic Tommies will be on display over the weekend. A power point display will feature photos of local people and children in their gardens along with descriptions of what their gardens mean to them. A master composter will provide expertise on composting.
‘Gardeners Question Time’ Session
…will be held on the evening of Friday 10th May from 7.30pm at the Methodist Church. Here below are a few images of local gardens – special places that provide joy and good feeling to those who own and use them. See more at the event.