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a drawing of a stack of coins


Community Grants Scheme

Our Grants Scheme is designed to support local community organisations, charities, Social Enterprises and Community Interest Companies delivering services, projects and events within Penrith.

We will consider one application per organisation each financial year (1st April to 31st March) but will not consider applications from individuals.

It is recommended that applicants thoroughly read the Council’s Grants Scheme before making an application and where necessary contact the Council for advice.

The Council will not fund salaries, hospitality, religious organisations (except for non-religious activities), core school expenditure or projects with party political links.

Ready to apply?

To apply for a grant download the application form, complete it in Microsoft Word and email to:

The Council will score applications using information from the application form  information is provided in the Grants Scheme.

Please use the underlined bold links below to open the Grants Scheme and to download the appropriate application form.

Grants Scheme Guidance

Grants Application Form

Grants Awarded during the 2023/24 financial year

Penrith Cricket Sports and Social Club £1,000.00
Penrith AFC £5,000.00
Growing Well £1,000.00
Stomping Ground £1,300.00
Penrith Swift Group £195.00
Penrith Rotary Club £372.00
Riverside Group (Winter Warmth Club) £895.94
Friends of North Lakes School £1,000
2nd Penrith Scout Group £2,090

Signature Event Grants

The Signature Event Grant Fund provides support for annual events that drive the primary criteria of economic impact and visitor expenditure.

The fund is intended to provide support for the key large-scale events that take place in Penrith. A large scale event requires coordination with multiple authorities, service providers and/or vendors; entails large numbers of people. Applicants can apply for up to £5,000.

Please use the underlined bold links below to open the Grants Scheme and to download the appropriate application form.

Signature Event Grant Scheme Guidance and Application Form

What to do if you cannot access parts of this page

We want to ensure that everyone can access our information and we are working to improve our website. The application forms for grants may not be accessible to screen readers as they contain tables with empty cells. Please contact us if you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read or in an alternative format.

We will consider your request and respond to you in ten working days.

Grants Awarded during the 2023/24 financial year

Eden Arts £5,000.00
Penrith BID £4,965.00
Lions Club of Penrith £5,000.00

Penrith Town Council in the Community

Episodes of “Penrith Town Council in the Community”, a series where we visit community organisations which have been awarded a grant by Penrith Town Council to find out more about the organisation and the project which the Council has helped can be watched below.

Episode 1: 2nd Penrith Scout Group