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Community Memories

a drawing of 3 people stood next to eachother

Understanding of the past is important to help us navigate to a sustainable future. Traditions and memories make us who we are locally, and projects that identify our culture and past experiences will help bring us closer, building our sense of pride in where we live.

Our aim is capture the town’s social, cultural and economic memories using a variety of media, If you have drawings, artwork, photos, oral history recordings or video we can share, please get in touch.

WW2 Community Memories

Our section on WW2 Commuity Memories contains videos and booklets recording the memories of local people who grew up in Penrith. The section also includes stories told by older gentlemen who were evacueed to the town from their school in Newcastle.  A number of photos and press cuttings record a variety of experiences during WW2. Also ncluded is a  booklet (copied below) containing images of men from Penrith and surrounding area who were commended or who sadly lost their lives during WW2.

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We will consider your request and respond to you in ten working days.